Cochise Defensive Pistol Match
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
   Home      2017 Match results
Thank you to all the Match Shooters for 
your assistance in setup, take down and taping  during the match.
  We could not do it without you!!!
Welcome to all the New Shooter you help us grow the sport.  Hope to see you regularly.

We are using the PractiScore App for scoring the matches.  Results and registration can be found on their web site.  
The links below will take you to match results on their site.  

SCORES FOR 11/4/17
Zombie Match with "Gale Force" Winds
PractiScore Web Site
Stage designs are found here

SCORES FOR 10/7/17
PractiScore Web Site
Stage designs are found here

PractiScore Web Site
Stage designs are found here
PractiScore Web Site
Stage designs are found here

PractiScore Web Site
Stage designs are found here

SCORES FOR 6/3/17  
Stage designs are found here

Stage designs are found here
Scores that are blue are "clean" or perfect stages. No points lost.
Yellow Highlight indicates Stage Winner

Rank Shooter Class Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total
1 Chad Barton B 14.71 11.82 15.49 13.56 55.58
2 Nick Wright D 14.25 13.73 17.75 10.92 56.65
3 Lee Guyllet NR 12.80 16.40 16.36 12.82 58.38
4 Chuck Owens C 17.77 16.44 17.15 17.05 68.41
5 Doug Penrose B 17.16 18.60 16.35 19.57 71.68
6 Howard M C 16.88 21.69 23.15 16.91 78.63
7 Mel Hockwitt C 34.26 15.74 15.48 15.71 81.19
8 Brad Nash C 19.62 19.84 20.12 30.71 90.29
9 Larry Teruel NR 22.63 21.22 23.17 24.38 91.40
10 Roy Eaton Novice 27.28 23.31 26.71 24.00 101.30
11 Ken Mazzarti NR 28.84 27.72 27.59 23.26 107.41
12 David M C 31.36 29.65 22.20 25.13 108.34
13 Paul Asaro NR 25.60 30.68 26.63 25.53 108.44
14 Phil Searman D 30.46 23.39 36.02 25.95 115.82
15 Dave Davenport C 26.21 26.28 33.27 44.68 130.44
16 Ted G D 25.56 49.19 40.43 29.42 144.60
17 Paul D 43.15 36.34 50.07 28.30 157.86
18 Edward Frey NR 49.15 46.55 44.58 49.15 189.43

*NOTE A CZ Magazine was lost at this match.  If you found one please contact Ted
Stage designs are found here
Scores that are blue are "clean" or perfect stages. No points lost.
Yellow Highlight indicates Stage Winner

Rank Shooter Class Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total
1 Nick Wright B 14.06 14.68 11.34 15.71 55.79
2 Mel Hockwitt C 16.95 14.51 16.72 15.25 63.43
3 Chad Barton B 20.41 15.81 13.04 17.16 66.42
4 Kyle Max NR 25.36 19.47 11.76 20.53 77.12
5 Christian Ramsey D 30.48 16.12 15.30 19.75 81.65
6 Steve Max C 19.82 18.70 20.70 24.56 83.78
7 Dave Girgis B 22.06 18.67 20.01 23.19 83.93
8 Howard S B 29.41 19.68 17.92 17.24 84.25
9 Richard Kohn NR 30.72 17.91 17.33 19.03 84.99
10 Jake Max C 20.12 20.11 15.08 31.81 87.12
11 Doug Penrose B 29.29 16.79 18.87 27.63 92.58
12 Chuck Owens C 26.96 21.09 15.01 30.40 93.46
13 Loran G Novice 26.55 28.63 19.86 24.06 99.10
14 Jeremy Mann C 29.41 19.51 32.55 19.61 101.08
15 Chuck Chambers C 33.53 23.10 25.96 22.48 105.07
16 Steve Pearce NR 30.58 20.20 25.04 30.59 106.41
17 Matt D. D 26.13 25.11 22.37 34.25 107.86
18 Bredin Mann D 33.50 21.32 25.77 28.13 108.72
19 Howard M. C 37.08 17.14 24.44 31.59 110.25
20 Anthony S. D 47.32 21.70 22.79 19.61 117.98
21 Lawrence Terel NR 37.71 33.47 24.34 25.02 120.54
22 Miller, D NR 37.92 31.21 23.33 28.72 121.18
23 David Harris C 41.65 32.03 27.48 25.91 127.07
24 David Maeding C 36.28 27.10 26.50 37.42 127.30
25 Michael Whitehouse D 35.28 27.28 28.08 47.57 138.21
26 Seth Eaton Novice 32.46 48.33 28.92 41.70 151.41
27 Gail Max D 41.07 33.06 27.23 52.50 153.86
28 Ted G D 51.65 31.12 33.16 45.88 161.81
29 Roy Eaton Novice 43.54 36.93 38.95 43.00 162.42
30 Mark D'Amato NR 46.58 43.63 50.66 56.84 197.71
31 Alan Smith NR 78.71 48.86 51.72 49.13 228.42
32 Edward Frey Revolver 47.41 53.38 76.20 67.24 244.23
33 Liz Doran NR 85.72 46.42 67.72 62.90 262.76
SCORES FOR 3 / 4/17
Stage designs are found here
Scores that are blue are "clean" or perfect stages. No points lost.
Yellow Highlight indicates Stage Winner

Rank Shooter Class Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total
1 Nick Wright D 19.05 10.88 18.38 8.37 56.68
2 Howard S B 21.58 13.94 16.18 8.67 60.37
3 Chad Barten b 21.11 11.64 18.40 10.32 61.47
4 Mel Hockwitt C 21.22 10.02 22.05 10.40 63.69
5 Howard M C 21.52 13.62 20.47 9.67 65.28
6 Bud Lich D 25.25 10.55 19.80 10.07 65.67
7 Taylor Holmes NR 26.08 11.98 18.57 11.86 68.49
8 Doug Penrose B 26.77 12.40 18.16 11.65 68.98
9 Christian Ramsey D 24.20 10.13 25.27 10.51 70.11
10 Chuck Owens C 23.22 13.30 24.16 13.80 74.48
11 Loran G Novice 29.13 13.37 21.95 15.36 79.81
12 Dave Girgis B 30.27 12.06 21.03 18.54 81.90
13 Johnathon Campbell NR 28.57 14.65 23.98 15.08 82.28
14 Jeremy Mann C 32.74 16.59 26.75 10.19 86.27
15 Steve Lischalk C 35.83 13.50 26.02 11.11 86.46
16 David M NR 32.27 16.67 23.45 15.17 87.56
17 Scott Kassa NR 32.55 14.77 26.00 16.22 89.54
18 Sam Boyle NR 33.78 11.45 31.28 13.43 89.94
19 Larry Hu D 31.33 16.95 32.58 14.63 95.49
20 Mose Lee D 34.59 16.43 27.10 26.23 104.35
21 Raymond Velaco NR 38.91 20.45 27.92 34.20 121.48
22 Michael Whitehouse D 38.89 30.98 32.77 23.23 125.87
23 Seth Eaton Novice 47.41 31.47 34.49 20.37 133.74
24 Bill S NR 56.66 23.75 34.24 16.22 136.56
25 Ted G D 71.75 17.25 30.77 18.01 137.78
26 Brendin Mann D 55.79 16.05 58.90 15.95 146.69
27 Chris Allen NR 67.54 17.62 46.29 16.66 148.11
28 Roy Eaton Novice 57.86 32.17 37.39 27.63 155.05
29 Duncan Kinder NR 53.58 46.64 32.41 26.40 159.03
30 Julia Kassa 22 Carbine 38.48 15.00 26.62 14.80 181.90
31 Cathy Chouinard Novice 71.57 31.03 47.15 44.88 194.63
32 Edward Frey Revolver 86.52 31.64 65.16 43.20 226.52
33 Paul “The Old Guy” Cox NR 156.82 23.80 32.43 18.98 232.03
34 Marilyn W Revolver 74.94 36.41 77.51 44.60 233.46
Stage designs are found here
Scores that are blue are "clean" or perfect stages. No points lost.
Yellow Highlight indicates Stage Winner

Rank Shooter Class Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total
1 Howard M C 17.38 18.62 21.21 17.96 75.17
2 Chuck Chambers C 17.77 17.49 22.23 21.52 79.01
3 Doug Penrose B 20.30 14.01 20.45 24.81 79.57
4 Nichols Wright D 12.73 28.74 21.86 17.02 80.35
5 Mell Hockwitt C 21.25 18.57 17.94 23.76 81.52
6 Chad Barton B 18.71 17.32 20.47 26.71 83.21
7 Dave Girgis B 17.80 16.39 20.42 34.35 88.96
8 Chuck Owens C 26.30 20.14 23.84 20.18 90.46
9 Steve Lischalk C 22.65 19.08 32.99 16.00 90.72
10 Christian Ramsey D 17.65 25.19 34.34 16.60 93.78
11 Bud Lich C 20.35 24.51 30.32 24.11 99.29
12 Jeremy Mann C 33.30 21.86 26.07 19.82 101.05
13 Richard Kohn C 24.58 19.19 22.63 37.00 103.40
14 David Maeding C 26.82 22.42 34.12 22.92 106.28
15 Mose Lee D 28.36 22.54 29.62 28.95 109.47
16 Bradley Nash C 30.70 23.08 40.34 18.20 112.32
17 Loran G Novice 25.86 37.08 24.92 26.53 114.39
18 Larry Hu D 30.02 24.50 39.87 21.29 115.68
19 Anthony S D 26.74 26.92 39.05 26.44 119.15
20 David Harris C 32.15 21.20 33.50 32.35 119.20
21 Amy Jones D 28.97 33.84 32.87 24.59 120.27
22 Dan Penrose C 34.51 20.31 40.70 25.71 121.23
23 Brendin Mann D 27.00 29.17 38.16 30.91 125.24
24 Ted G D 35.79 32.99 37.76 27.71 134.25
25 Lawrence Deryei Novice 25.13 50.78 38.14 20.60 134.65
26 Seth Eaton Novice 33.36 36.58 35.39 20.18 135.44
27 Paul (the old guy) Cox D 30.91 27.70 45.31 38.03 141.95
28 Mike McPherson C 43.40 22.42 45.48 35.60 146.90
29 Matt D D 27.18 29.87 43.33 46.81 147.19
30 Micheal Whitehouse D 30.94 30.86 65.32 23.98 151.10
31 Roy Eaton Novice 39.18 51.22 40.18 46.23 176.81
32 Marilyn Wardlow Novice 43.66 41.24 46.83 46.03 177.76
33 Dennis B Novice 37.97 37.60 48.32 54.96 178.85
34 Cathy Chouinard Novice 47.74 53.86 48.41 93.90 243.91
Stage designs are found here
Scores that are blue are "clean" or perfect stages. No misses.
Yellow Highlight indicates Stage Winner

Rank Shooter Class Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Total
1 Nick Wright NR 12.10 8.84 23.04 5.40 49.38
2 Howard S B 9.52 11.87 20.62 7.97 49.98
3 Michael Chambers NR 11.99 12.05 18.79 7.78 50.61
4 Howard M B 11.64 10.96 20.67 8.69 51.96
5 Chad Barton B 13.10 13.18 18.32 9.56 54.16
6 Mel Hockwith B 12.19 11.47 20.98 9.56 54.20
7 Chris Chambers NT 10.57 11.13 23.41 9.66 54.77
8 Christian Ramsey C 10.33 12.49 21.57 11.87 56.26
9 Roy NR 13.51 12.65 23.58 7.17 56.91
10 Doug Penrose A 11.28 11.40 27.73 9.08 57.98
11 David Harris D 14.34 10.45 32.53 11.30 68.62
12 Mike McPherson C 11.11 16.37 32.62 9.14 69.24
13 Tim Schaefer C 12.40 14.57 30.19 12.49 69.65
14 Phillip NR 17.15 16.34 31.33 6.68 71.50
15 Seth Eaton NR 21.31 16.98 26.82 9.46 74.57
16 Larry Michael NR 15.42 18.87 29.08 14.71 78.08
17 Matt DeShon NR 16.09 19.27 32.36 12.48 80.20
18 Mose Lee D 22.87 15.59 32.88 13.16 84.50
19 Loran G D 16.58 17.35 33.07 19.42 86.42
20 Steve Pearce NR 16.73 16.01 32.97 20.77 86.48
21 Ted G D 16.54 22.53 34.95 12.51 86.53
22 David Maeding D 19.43 16.54 29.28 21.57 86.82
23 Amy Jones D 18.43 19.68 31.75 18.34 88.20
24 Jeremy Mann NR 15.35 13.13 36.09 24.09 88.66
25 Brendin Mann NR 15.06 16.25 37.69 20.54 89.54
26 Daniel NR 17.58 14.52 26.46 33.80 92.36
27 Paul Cox D 21.19 23.84 59.71 14.86 119.60
28 Mark Damato NR 26.91 27.47 47.18 19.71 121.27
29 Steve Oatman NR 32.45 24.53 41.74 25.18 123.90
30 Chuck Chambers C 11.92 14.61 97.92 9.08 133.53
31 Cathy Chouinard Novice 30.24 35.24 50.67 18.52 134.67
32 Marilyn W Novice 38.59 41.32 49.00 18.95 147.86
33 Roy Eaton NR 27.36 23.10 57.16 41.86 149.48
34 Dennis B Novice 18.55 31.79 85.54 21.36 157.24
35 Jim Meehan NR 37.14 30.14 73.55 18.29 159.12
36 Doran NR 63.06 54.26 82.28 22.21 221.81